Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of June 15, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance*

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty, 

Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee.

As we observed this past Trinity Sunday, we became more keenly aware that there is really no adequate way to explain how you are Three in One; One in Three. And so, we do not attempt it, but simply marvel at the mystery of Blessed Trinity. We see in you, O God, in your very expression, the desire for community. Because we are created in your image, we need community and thrive in community. Forgive us, when we have said that we need no one or that we can go it alone or, “I am responsible only for me and mine!” We are a people who seem to care about only ourselves. Open our hearts and minds and eyes and ears to your desire for us to live peacefully with one another. We cannot be who you created us to be until we see your image in others.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Holy, holy, holy God, in calling forth creation from the void, revealing yourself in human flesh, and pouring forth your wisdom to guide us, you manifest your concern for your whole universe. You invite us, as your people, to gather the world’s needs into our hearts and bring them before you.

We skim headlines and scroll past images from the news, but the images remain in our hearts and minds. Instead of ignoring or wanting to forget, we pause this day to focus and to pray – for Ukraine, for Russia, and for all who are still hurting from the effects of wars that we have forgotten about. We pray for veterans who are still struggling from past wars. We pray for families in communities who have been devastated by gun violence. Forgive us, O Lord, for placing our trust in platitudes about rights and ignoring your demand to care for one another. We pray that those who are in power and who have power to make changes would lead with reason and not fear. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We remember Nehemiah who held leaders to accountability, O God. Too often, we blame our leaders for everything, forgetting that we are citizens. We live in community; may our concerns not be only for those who have the same home-owners association as we do; may we not care only for the students who in our children’s classes. O God, may we truly care for all people.  Regardless of whether we voted for our current leaders or not, we know we have a responsibility to be aware of the challenges they face, to know about decisions they must make. We wait until a crisis and then proclaim – “Look what they have done!” So, we pause in these moments to pray for our leaders. It is our duty as part of community to offer our leaders to you in prayer: 

We pray for our President, Joe Biden; we pray for Vice-President Kamala Harris. We pray for their families. We pray for Senators Blackburn and Hagerty; and for Representative Burchett. We pray for their good health and pray that you would give them wisdom in leading. Place on their hearts the desire for all people to live healthy and meaningful lives free from fear and want. We pray for Governor Lee and for State Senator Briggs and other legislators. Give them a strong sense of your purpose for the community we call Tennessee. We offer prayers for Mayors Kincannon and Jacobs as they face decisions, conversations, and problems that we know nothing about. As we call for leaders to be accountable to us, may we be accountable to you, O God. May we be the kinds of citizens that model your kingdom values. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

And to all these petitions, Holy Lord, we lay before you the thanksgivings and the concerns that are on the hearts of your people of Church Street: 

  • Family appreciates prayers: Mother completed testing at Mayo with no incidents
  • Gratitude: 10-year-old grandniece completed delicate spinal cord surgery
  • Family offers thanks for prayers: A healthy baby born on Friday 
  • One expresses gratitude for a coveted summer internship
  • Young husband has accepted a new position and is thankful for all prayers
  • Gratitude that national leaders are nearing an agreement to limit the sale and distribution of firearms
  • Young couple celebrate their engagement
  • Celebrating our youth who helped with home repairs for the indigent through Operation Back Yard
  • Thanksgiving that a dear friend, longtime cancer sufferer, was able to die at home surrounded by all family members
  • Prayers for member whose wife died on the weekend; comfort for him and his family as they make plans to gather in remembrance
  • Prayers for all pastors in transition this week & for the congregations they will serve
  • Comfort for member & all family burying cherished mother this weekend 
  • Healing for a brother in severe kidney crisis & for his family
  • For an end to the destruction of Ukraine & the terror thrust upon its people
  • Complete healing for youngster recovering from head trauma
  • Member recovering from hip surgery & colon perforations
  • Member mourning death of favored aunt & the family pet 
  • Dear friend with cancer; husband with bouts of depression
  • A new position needed: Adult son in unhealthy work situation 
  • Safety & good health for CS Master Arts European travelers 
  • For reliable caregivers to be found to help an infirm husband
  • Continued prayers for youngster recovering from side effects of spinal surgery
  • All working to end violence and poverty in our community
  • Member in pain, recovering from knee surgery 
  • Pray for all young people making transitions this season & their families 
  • Young couple very much desiring children

Holy, holy, holy God,
fill us with strength and courage, with discernment and compassion, that we may be your instruments of justice and love in this world, that it may be on earth as it is in heaven. 

We gather our hearts and voices as one, joining with Christians around the world as we offer the prayer our Lord Jesus Christ taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

*Prayer adapted: Vanderbilt Divinity School Lectionary Website