Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 10, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

O God of Every Place and Time, when we chance to turn to you, we are assured your listening ears are attuned to our deepest needs and desires. How blessed are we by such favor! You merely ask us, in turn, to just as earnestly listen to your voice that speaks to us throughout our days. We must confess, however, that we seldom reciprocate in these uncertain times. Perhaps, more than anything else, it is our fear that feeds our reluctance to listen.  

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Because we fear our own poverty, we spend our time clutching our possessions. Because we fear being known for who we truly are, we use our time cultivating that preferred image of ourselves. Because we fear appearing helpless, we pretend we don’t need the help others may offer. Because we fear the future, we exhaust precious hours in secret handwringing. Slow us down, O Attentive One, and calm our souls, we pray. Lean close and whisper that our fears are but a foolish buffer to an authentic relationship with you. Never cease your tender wooing, we pray. We have ears to hear, may we learn to listen!

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

O Spirit of Life, by confessing our own preoccupation with ourselves, we realize how soundly you have grounded us in your life-giving grace. You have given us our church, our home away from home, our commission to serve, our avenue to spiritual renewal. You have honored us with the privilege of regularly partaking of Holy Communion, a tangible reminder that we are members of the body of Christ, called to share the burdens of others. And when we share in this way, may it be a sign that we are also bearing the cross of Jesus.  

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Knowing that you help us bear all our trials and also take delight in our joy, we name these particular petitions that have been offered recently by members of our Church Street family:

We pray for… 

  • Friends who are going through difficult situations; may they feel God’s guiding presence 
  • Families who are struggling with the extra expenses of school fees and supplies 
  • Individuals faced with unexpected home repairs; prayers for financial relief 
  • All people to have increased wisdom of God’s presence 
  • All those who are battling drug addiction and for their families who feel helpless. 
  • A child whose mother died; may he have a supportive and positive community around him 
  • Those recovering from COVID and their family members; especially those who are compromised with other health issues 
  • A friend having surgery 
  • A friend with leukemia  
  • All students and teachers and school personnel; special blessings on those who are in homebound situations.  
  • A member who is beginning a new work position this week; others who are in transition with jobs. 
  • Teachers who are teaching online; students who are choosing online option 
  • New school superintendent for Knox County, Jon Rysewyk 
  • A mother who is hospitalized; prayers for stabilization so necessary procedures can be initiated. 
  • Doctors, nurses and all who work in NICU; thankful for their compassion and expertise
  • Family member traveling out of state for medical treatment 

We pray with thanksgiving for… 

  • Acts of kindness and encouragement 
  • Healing after surgery and during rehabilitation 
  • Pastor Rick Isbell; thankful for his years of dedication to Confirmation Class and our sixth graders 
  • Positive experience for our Parish Youth Choir and all adults leading them this weekend in their retreat 
  • The help of therapists, family, and friends with the process of grief

And now, stripping away every pretense that would block us from you, O God Beyond Place and Time, we lay our earnest prayers at the feet of your Blessed Son, using the ancient, yet most powerful words he taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?