Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 5, 2022

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

God of Every Season, we count these 40 days of Lent as a gift, realizing that you speak to us throughout each day, as creation sings its song of newness. How can we fail to note the hidden messages you have planted in our blessed surroundings? How can we fail to hear your whispers in the wind, in the bird call, in the river’s roar, in the spring rains?  Even the events and encounters of our days are filled with wonder.  And when challenges arise, you help us meet them with the grace of Christ, for within our troubles we discover anew your astonishing favor. 

God of All Faithfulness, you bless us.

Merciful Father, examine our souls, we pray, for we recall those instances when we raced to be first in line, when had to have the last word, when we grabbed more than we needed, when we flashed our banners of superiority, when we took you for granted, O Lord. We now cringe as we remember and name our private sins of commission and omission . . . . . . . . . . . Hold your lamp of truth high to reveal our misdeeds, especially those that have been embedded in the darkest crevices of our hearts for so long that we hardly notice them.  Then cleanse us with your fiery love, that we might burn as beacons for others who also seek to follow Jesus. 

God of All Faithfulness, you bless us.

Holy Protector, we shudder at the destruction and danger in our world, much of which we ourselves have caused; we cannot fathom the pain of those who live in the midst of war and turmoil, exposed to dread and fear, smothered by evil and atrocities.  May your wisdom flow through your people, that we might learn to live in your will and in harmony with all people upon this extraordinary planet you have given us. And though you know them already, we lift up to you our personal needs of this day . . . . . . . . . . ; and also these needs and thanksgivings that rest in the hearts of your people at Church Street:  

  • Thankful for prayers: Adult friend passed her driving test
  • Gratitude: Prayers appreciated – brother released from hospital
  • Gratitude: Mother released from hospital, returned to her residence
  • Thanksgiving: Brother-in-law in frail health survived surgery on Friday
  • Family celebrates an infant daughter’s baptism on Sunday
  • Parents offer gratitude for infant son’s release from NICU after 107 days & for all who have been helping & praying for the family
  • One sends gratitude for a successful eye procedure last Thursday
  • Prayers appreciated: Husband’s April 1 surgery was successful
  • Prayers for solace & peace for family: Mother died suddenly after a fall
  • For God’s presence with a lonely woman in hospice care
  • Beloved mother with a heart condition, for correct diagnosis
  • Improved health for a brother with congestive heart failure 
  • Lift prayers for member having foot surgery on Thursday & her surgeon
  • Calming anxiety of a member overwhelmed with responsibilities
  • Prayers for an aunt who lost her home & business in the recent fires
  • Healing of a co-worker suffering from Covid, protection for her husband
  • Prayers for husband/father in trauma care & his family at his side
  • Continued prayers for a nephew in deep grief
  • Dear friend recovering from blood transplant
  • Prayers for a daughter suffering with kidney stones
  • Healing for a young nephew with cancerous growth on vocal cord 
  • For employment doors to open for a young professional
  • Mercy for suffering people of Ukraine – for an end to the violence
  • Relative in treatment for ovarian cancer
  • For our 6th graders who are discerning & preparing for confirmation
  • Longtime friend with advanced cancer & wisdom for physicians

O God of All Faithfulness, we have threaded our way through this Lenten season, realizing we have not progressed in our spiritual renewal as much as we had hoped. Still, we know you are pleased with our efforts and are always holding us in your hands. Therefore, we take our rest in you, asking that you accept all our prayers offered in the name of your Son, who took that most lonely walk on our behalf, and who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?