Prayers for the Church Street Family

September 10, 2020

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Whoever drinks this water I shall give will never be thirsty again;
the water I shall give will turn into a spring inside him,
welling up to eternal life.
John 4:14

Stream of Life, we remember the time Jesus sat beside the lonely woman under the noonday sun. He told her about the living water that quenches the deepest thirst. She was confused, and we confess we are often that way ourselves. In our search for that which satisfies, we seek out the posh and preppy drink; but our throats remain as parched as the lonely lady’s. Open our eyes to see the cup of astonishment you hold out from your quiet corner, for it is drawn from that deep river that rolls on forever. Hold out that brimming cup once more, for we know it never empties.

Living Lord, hear our prayer.

Brook of Healing Waters, today we draw close to your soft banks, seeking respite from the world’s roaring banter. Be for us that grassy place where we might be soothed by the cool moss and the rippled hum of your river music. It is your seamless rhythm that affirms your constancy.  And as we rest, we reflect upon all those things that weigh us down:  our regrets . . . . . our sorrows . . . . .  our dashed hopes . . . . .  Create a wide pool on our shore, deep enough to cover all our disappointments, and we shall drop them in one by one.  In your current of mercy, wash clean that which may be worthy of salvage and sink whatever is of little value within us — never to plague us again.

Living Lord, hear our prayer.

Bathed in your generosity, we recognize your hand in the personal wonders that you have brought our way in recent times . . . . . .; and we also bring our concerns to you, our Well of Life:

  • Grateful for prayers: friend in hospice care died peacefully yesterday
  • Praises: a father is almost completely recovered from Covid-19
  • Gratitude: Family members are healing well after severe virus cases
  • Thankful: nephew completed first round of chemo with unease
  • Member is renewed following a much-needed vacation
  • Parents thankful for prayers: baby in ICU now breathing on his own
  • Prayer for cherished member in hospice care & her family standing by
  • Prayers for one in court proceeding today, for case dismissal
  • Comfort for family burying an adult son this weekend
  • Families coping with work & at-home school instruction for children
  • Healing of adult son in Nevada, recovering from surgery
  • Continued prayers for teenage burn victim, having skin grafts
  • Continued prayers: 2 babies in ICU – both healing from heart complications
  • Prayers for all school personnel who support young persons in many ways
  • Rest & comfort for a weary caregiver; loved ones isolated from loved ones
  • Healing mercies for college-age son & elderly father with Covid-19
  • For hearts to open in generosity to aid the hungry in our region
  • Member grieving following untimely death of lifelong friend
  • Recovery for 2 fathers with major heart problems

Receive our prayers this day, Living Lord, and fill us until your liquid ribbon of grace flows steadily inside us. May it well up to become a clear blessing to those who seek our Redeemer, who taught us to pray in this way:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Rev. Tim Best will share a devotion at noon today on our Facebook page. Please click here to join us!