Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

May 4, 2020

Pastor Jan


As our Welcoming Christ opens his arms to us from our altar, we know your arms also remain outstretched to us, Faithful One – ready to receive us, to embrace us, and to offer your unfailing love and care, each of which is beyond our understanding. Your graces are not earned, but are provided, as it gives you sheer joy to offer them. No return gifts are expected – only hearts beating our thanks.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

O Author of Time and Healer of the Earth, we look to you this day and all days, for each brings its own hurts, blessings, and challenges. Help us to savor the earth robed in splendor and the hope hovering over us. Each surrounds us this season and tell us how blessed is your creation.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

In a culture which treasures activity and production, you offer a simpler path: the road that encourages us to simply BE. May we heed your call to slow down and rest, to welcome your peace that comes as softly as rose petals falling to earth. Soothe the worries of all who are in pain, we pray, those who have suffered loss, those who are confused. And especially cover with your mercy our church family, and these brothers and sisters who seek your guidance, peace and renewal:

  • Grateful that an uncle’s long sickness and pain are over; he died peacefully Saturday
  • Praises: a father in ICU is miraculously recovering following 3 surgeries
  • Gratitude: courageous mother has made a firm intervention on behalf of her teenage children
  • A mother hospitalized with renal issues improves daily, please continue prayers
  • Thankful for forbearance of our graduating high school & college seniors
  • A college professor is recovering from a mild stroke & making treatment plans
  • Healing prayers for a family with 3 adult children suffering emotional maladies; strength and wisdom for the parents
  • Healing for a young relative who has received a diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer
  • Prayers for a son to enter a drug rehab program, for his parents who worry
  • All who return to work, for wisdom and for safety precautions to be observed
  • Touch the hearts of grieving friends who will bury their loved ones this week
  • Healing for wife and children who buried their husband and father April 30
  • Lonely residents of assisted living homes, solace in their isolation and confusion
  • A grieving husband trying to endure his pain during this time of isolation

Take all our prayers and gratitudes and mold them to fit the shape of your boundless mercy, we pray. And help us, O Welcoming One, to rise with confidence, searching for the face of Jesus in each one whom we encounter; for it is in his holy name we offer this prayer:

Our father who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. 


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