Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

July 9, 2020

Pastor Jan


O God of the Day, we come before you this morning in all our varied states. Some us come with peace, others with strife in their hearts. Some of us arrive with hope, others with desolation. Some of us carry a basket of dreams, others hold out empty hands. Still, whether buoyant or heavy-hearted, we enter, knowing that you will offer some nugget from your storehouse of wisdom to lead us through this day. And not only that, you will walk beside us every hour to come. Thanks be to God!

Most Holy Lord, hear our prayer.

O Guardian of the Weak, you rescued Israel from slavery and called her your own. By the frailty of your Son, you rescued humanity from slavery to sin and death. Throughout the eras you have continued to hear the cries of your people and have been faithful to rebuild  the ruins of our lives. We trust you now, O Steadfast One, to continue your work of renewal throughout our wounded world. Heal those places where slavery still exists; break the bonds of those who are held hostage to greed, discrimination, illness and poverty. Strengthen us to pry open the rusty locks of oppression, we pray, that we might then fling wide the gates of freedom for those who suffer everywhere. And as one unified people, we shall celebrate our God!

Most Holy Lord, hear our prayer.

And as we work in your name for a better world, we ask that you also remember these particular ones close to home, our Church Street friends who offer their petitions today:

  • One celebrates a negative Covid test & now emerges from isolation
  • Young woman healing following separation & impending divorce
  • One is grateful that his work has not suffered during the pandemic
  • Prayers appreciated, member is receiving relief from caregiving
  • Recovery of friend who had emergency heart stent
  • Physical and emotional healing within a family
  • Successful heart surgery for a young son (Blount County Family Promise) on Friday at Vanderbilt; courage & safety for his family who travel with him
  • An elderly father in failing health and a brother with post-surgery difficulty
  • 23-yr-old friend with Covid – isolating for 21 days – no family nearby
  • Protection from virus of all loved ones working in high risk positions
  • Two families in custody proceedings, grace to uphold children involved
  • Healing for a brother (no diagnosis yet) and a nephew with Covid-19
  • A peaceful end for a grandfather dying from covid19
  • For order & peace in our nation and for violence to end
  • A peaceful death for an aunt & for a cherished father-in-law

May our dream be as yours, Loving God: that one day peoples everywhere will be set free to live their lives creatively and vibrantly in your name.

Most Holy Lord, hear our prayer.

Faithful One, may our hearts be filled with gratitude these coming hours, as we absorb the soft rain of divine gifts you sprinkle throughout our days. From birdsong to quiet brook, from colored pebble to fragrant flower, from humming bee to gliding cloud, you bless us. We kneel in awe and humility, but also in confidence that nothing in all creation can separate us from your love through Christ Jesus our Lord, who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a prayer request?

Submit your request confidentially online, and our prayer team will be in prayer with and for you.

Join us for a midday devotion

Head to Facebook at noon today for a devotion with Rev. Catherine Clark Nance!