Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 27, 2021

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

This week, O Lord, our hearts turn to you as we remember all those saints whom you have called and who have walked among us throughout the years.  We remember your disciples who spent their time in this realm empowering the meek, encouraging the poor, and lifting up the forlorn.  We recall how they honored the neglected, respected the desires of the disadvantaged, and valued the least and the lost. For their wisdom and witness, we praise you!                 

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

And still in this era, your saints walk alongside us: bringing peace where there is discord, sowing goodness where there is distrust, spreading hope where despair has taken root.  In your own mystifying way, you call ordinary folk to carry out your ministry in extraordinary ways.  We pray you would sustain your saints who are in ministry this very day, and particularly these blessed ones who have made such a difference in our individual lives: . . . . . . . . . .  We know you as our Forever Guide, so empower us, that we also might shine as these who live in brightest faith even when tribulations descend.                                                                              

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Lord of the Dismayed, some days we are simply unable to take in all the pain that thrives in our world, communities, and in our own households.  We confess that our own faith grows dim when we consider all the misfortunes that are holding your people hostage.  Our own efforts seem so paltry, and we tire so easily. Draw close and make yourself known to those who are overwhelmed. Gaze upon those who are ill or frightened as they face a diagnosis, illness, surgery, poverty, or any sort of loss. And as our arms are too short to wrap around those whom you love, we pray you would embrace all those who believe they have been forgotten.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

As the apostle has written, we see through a glass darkly. We cannot comprehend your will and your ways; nor can we fathom the manner in which you are moving in our world.  But, Good Lord, we do know you hear the cries of our hearts, that you will never leave us comfortless, and that one day we shall see clearly. Until that day, we believe your grace covers all, and that you are attending each one who prays in your name.  Therefore, we bring these praises and pleas offered by members of the Church Street family:

  • Two families celebrate births of healthy baby daughters on Wednesday
  • Couple thankful for safe travel to Europe
  • Gratitude for the ministry of our church choirs
  • Member offers thanks for an unspoken miracle in her life
  • Thanksgiving for the peaceful death of an ill mother
  • Thanksgiving for healthcare workers who valiantly serve
  • Grateful for prayers – member’s back pain is vastly improved
  • Strength, wisdom for daughter, prime caregiver of aging father
  • Member thankful for recent visit of family members
  • Family grateful for prayers, daughter (Covid) continues to improve
  • Solace for members who mourn the loss of loved ones
  • Prayers for husband with Parkinson’s & his wife, caregiver
  • Healing for cherished father/husband hospitalized Monday
  • Courage for one facing difficult procedure at Vanderbilt
  • Proper diagnosis for one enduring fainting
  • Continued prayers for grandson (17) in cancer treatment
  • Courage, strength for one beginning chemo next week
  • Healing prayers for wife recovering from dangerous fall
  • Prayers for a young wife, soon to deliver first child 
  • Children of Grace School in Uganda, for a way forward 
  • Courage for one, extended chemotherapy, & devoted husband
  • Members asks for prayers for her parents, both cancer victims
  • Two sons in treatment for addiction

Grant this day, and each day ahead, Beloved Presence, that we might make a quiet space in our hearts for you. Join us in those silent moments, reminding us that you are ready to wipe away our sins, offering us the privilege of making a fresh start with each dawn. Wrap us now in the peace of your Spirit as we offer this prayer in the name of Christ, our Savior:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 21, 2021

Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Blessed are you, God Over Us, for each autumn morning you bring us a breakfast tray brimming with glories. Green leaves, veined with bronze and gold, wave their quiet hellos, using blue heaven as a pristine backdrop. Fluffy- tailed squirrels scurry about, carrying crunchy brown treasures released by heavy oaks, while sweet apple fragrance fills the air.  In this season you command our attention, Lord; from the crunch of twigs underfoot to the bracing breeze that stings the spine, you speak to us!  Forgive us, we pray, when we squander your offerings – favors from your heart that tell us we are beloved.  As the earth turns according to your divine will, turn our souls in your direction. May we be poised to discern your wooing from every stone and bit of stubble in the field.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer

Blessed are you, God Beside Us, for your step is in tandem with ours.  In these erratic times, however, we confess that we often feel insecure, ungrounded, and alone.  We remember your Son was also clothed in humanity, and that he experienced those dark nights of the soul, enduring so much more than we.  Yes, we believe, Lord, that the Resurrected Christ is our Hope and our Redeemer.  Yes, we believe; yet we need you to shore up our belief. When our dreams fade, our bodies let us down, when our loved ones pass on, when friends forget us, when society is increasingly splintered, steady our steps, we pray.  Guide us toward that place of peace within yourself. And there may we rest awhile until we are strong enough to walk along with you again, down that unwavering path of faith.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Blessed are you, God Around Us, for Jesus said he had flocks of which we are not aware. That truth alone reveals the immense breadth of your benevolence. It underscores the fact that neither this world, nor this universe, is the property of one nation or people, no matter how powerful. Might those flocks include those we pass every day, yet do not see?  Do they live in communities which we are afraid to visit? Are they the throngs who exist behind bars, hemmed in by hopelessness? Could they be those who are yet to be born? You are the God of no boundaries, whose plan encircles all time and space and whose mercies are immutable. Our questions are many and answers elude us. Nevertheless, may we live secure in the knowledge that those whom you love we are also called to love and to serve. By your grace, might we grow in respect and friendship with all, until that day when all flocks shall be gathered with you in your all-encompassing community.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Receive now, we pray, these praises and petitions from our church family, for you are always ready to listen to your children.  We sense your working among us and trust in your sustaining mercy.

  • Gratitude for prayers: member has received a new job
  • Praises for prayers – daughter with Covid now removed from ventilator
  • Family thankful for support during a father’s death
  • Thankful that husband with ALS has had a good week
  • Family celebrates a new daughter-in-law
  • Grateful that two family members are now vaccinated
  • Cancer sufferer is thankful for her wise physicians
  • Thanksgiving: grandson (17) dealing well with chemo
  • Member thankful hip surgery will not be required
  • Healing prayers for member who suffered injuries in a fall
  • Prayers for young mother adjusting to new medications
  • Courage & guidance for member beginning cancer treatment in Nov.
  • Children of Grace School in Uganda, for guidance, opportunities
  • Blessings for two young women in final weeks of pregnancy
  • Healing prayers for two sons in treatment for addiction
  • Healing prayers – father (92) suffering from Covid
  • Friend whose mother died last week
  • Easing of grief for 3 recently widowed
  • Mother in treatment for thyroid cancer; father with leukemia
  • God’s grace for three fathers suffering from Parkinson’s
  • Prayers for daughter burying her father this week
  • Healing for best friend: Aggressive cancer treatment
  • Recovery for cousin on ventilator

Blessed are you, O God With Us, in this season of splendor, we witness nature taking on its own work of pruning and nourishing the earth. Still, it is a time to plant that which will burst forth when spring arrives. Along with the tulip bulb, may we bury thoughtfulness and kindness, that they might spread their roots far and wide underneath the raven earth.  May we bury generosity, that it might permeate the soil along with the winter rain. And may we sow seeds of peace, that they would multiply, becoming extensions of your holy peace.  And when warm winds blow again, may all flourish, bringing honor to the One who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of October 6, 2021

Written by Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

O Author of All Our Days, our lives seem so scattered in this modern era, and we are quick to attach our lives to strings that others pull.  Go here! they say; Do that! they advise;  Follow me! they urge. And we confess that we frequently allow ourselves to be caught up in efforts that do not enrich our souls. Teach us, we pray, to listen more closely to the calling you so tenderly place in each of our hearts, to attend to your faint voice that whispers your will for us each day.  By your grace, help us live up to our commitment to Christ, and to realign our calendars, that we would find joy in the slackened pace, in your gift of the moment. As the apostle has said, What does it matter if we gain the world, if our hearts are not beating with the love of our Lord?  

In the liturgical year, the Church now finds itself in Ordinary Time, set apart from the high holy days. What better time to consider the mundane, the repetitive tasks of daily living – dusting and laundering, cooking and straightening, scouring and sweeping? In your great wisdom, O God of Harmony, you knew that if we performed these routine, ordinary chores, we might then become better stewards of our lives. For in ordering our households, companionship, creativity, learning and laughter, conversation and enjoyment might then have room to flourish. We remember our Savior who taught that every service performed with love, no matter how humble, will not be forgotten. Give us an openness of spirit, we pray, to once again discover both the joy and the importance of simple things.

God of Healing and Wholeness, we face the brokenness of our bodies, our spirits, and our relationships; and we confess that we do falter in our faith in this time of dread, disease, and dissension. Yes, some of our misfortunes we have brought upon ourselves; forgive our blindness, we pray.  Still other adversities stalk us through no fault of our own, and in our humanness, we search for explanations, when there are no explanations to be found.  As we are made in your image, O Divine One, you understand our pain and our perplexities; so come sit with us and linger awhile as we try to fashion a plan to move forward in faith.  Dispel our doubts, we pray, as we lift up the broken parts of ourselves to your healing. 

And hear also these praises and petitions that are offered by your people at Church Street. We know you as our refuge and strength in time of trouble; yet you have asked us not to give in to fear.  May it be so:

  • Gratitude for prayers: Aortic valve surgery successful
  • Thankfulness for life of a beloved husband
  • One celebrates a clear cancer scan
  • Bereaved member sends gratitude for support of church
  • ALS sufferer thankful for outpouring of financial help
  • Praises that knee surgery went smoothly
  • Member thankful for recent financial gift
  • Family grateful for God’s presence at death of father
  • Gratitude: Paralyzed grandson now able to feed himself
  • Homebound member thankful for supportive friends
  • One grateful for continued improvement following surgery
  • Pray for a family member in deep depression
  • A daughter who needs healing in her life
  • Relief & healing for very ill member hospitalized
  • Comfort for member whose brother died on Tuesday
  • College student and family grieving death of grandfather
  • Couple ask for prayers, tensions related to young son
  • Continued watchcare for young mothers-to-be
  • Healing for young family affected by addiction
  • Recovery for cousin on ventilator 
  • Courage and calm for one newly diagnosed with cancer
  • Cherished daughter in rehab, for recovery from Covid
  • Pray for ongoing progress of paralyzed grandson 
  • Healing for member, torn tendons in foot and ankle
  • Peace for best friend, aggressive cancer diagnosis

We thank you, O Redeemer, for the gift of your unfathomable love.  Grant that your loving power would sustain us as we work to re-order our lives in the days to come.  May we eschew the strong tugs of the world that lead to emptiness; but may embrace only those purposes which bring honor to you and to your Son, who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 29, 2021

Written by Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

Most Holy Lord, you are that sure foundation on which we stand.  Amid the apprehension and unpredictability of this present era, our lives would crumble if you had not planted us securely upon your rock that never fails.  Your scriptures and hymns, inspired by your Spirit, speak the words our hearts long to hear. We stand grateful for loved ones who have buoyed us when our souls were ragged, for our church family which offers a place of belonging.  We believers are so often separated by distance due to the deadly virus, but we are not separated from our firm faith in your saving love, our commitment to your church, and our trust in each other.    

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

The words you first spoke through your prophet Isaiah, “Fear not, for I am with you…” have reverberated through the ages, through many voices, giving us strength to carry on.  Save us, we pray, from the hatred that blinds us and the fear that leaves us cringing and dismayed.  We confess that we have been quick to judge, quick to criticize, quick to retaliate. By your omnipotent hand, make us brave enough to confront the forces of prejudice and anger within ourselves, then turn our warring chants into a doxology of hope. And in witnessing our assurance, may others absorb your holy peace and hope.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Our lives are replete with personal stories of your saving deliverance, yet we know we are fragile mortals who require your healing and renewal.  We cannot know the outcome of our prayers, but we trust that when we turn everything over to you, O Bedrock of our Faith, your grace shall be sufficient. So many across our globe are mired in misfortune and are awaiting your redemption.  Comfort and carry all the afflicted in their hour of sorrow, we pray, and also attend to these concerns and joys that are uppermost in the hearts of your people of Church Street:

  • Member thankful, recovering from shingles
  • Member appreciates church support during his prolonged illness
  • Family celebrates the birth of a baby girl on Monday
  • Hospital workers who push through their weariness to bring healing
  • Gratitude: tests revealed no evidence of a stroke
  • Thankful for safe travel and family vacation this week
  • Gratitude: A husband’s illness was quickly diagnosed
  • Homebound member celebrates Rejoice! Ministry
  • Recovery for cousin on ventilator at Parkwest
  • Courage and healing for mother with breast cancer
  • Please pray for all relatives recovering from Covid
  • Prayers for patience: Surgery postponed for one awaiting aortic valve replacement
  • Recovery for elderly member with shingles
  • Continued prayers for ongoing progress of paralyzed grandson
  • Member having breast biopsy on Monday 
  • Cousin and wife recovering from injuries in auto crash on Sunday
  • Prayers for correct diagnosis for ill wife
  • Upholding cherished husband nearing death and solace for his wife 
  • Healing for member, torn tendons in foot and ankle
  • Healing mercies for young friend in early stages of ALS
  • Two families whose loved ones have died of Covid

Knowing that you have heard and accepted our prayers, our souls take their rest in you, All-Faithful One.  Steel us through your grace, that we may remain faithful to the end. And by your mercy, grant that we might grow in the resolve to serve only that once-rejected Cornerstone, our Savior, Christ Jesus, who taught us to pray:  

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 22, 2021

Written by Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

With a rich red hue encircling yesterday’s date, the calendar announced the beginning of autumn.  Oh yes, Good Lord, we have received those gentle hints you have sent our way: the shortening of days, the cool air of the misty morn, and raindrops that quench the thirst of the overworked soil.  As your good earth prepares to rest in peace, help us to set aside those dried-up mistakes and tensions that infected us throughout the summer months.  Sweep away those careless words and unhealthy deeds that marred our long strand of warmer days; may they wither away, useless as they are, to be counted as debris for your compost.  But by your mercy, we pray, store up any seeds of hope or kindness we may have sown along the way, that in some small manner, you may find them worthy of your harvest of grace.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

All praise to you, God of the Golden Leaf, for you have honored us with life itself!  The gleanings from the field bespeak the abundance we have been given – far more than we could ever ask or imagine!  You know our every need and hasten to provide what is lacking in our lives. And because of your outpouring, we are reminded of our own poverty, knowing that every gift comes from your generous heart. Even in our most unsettling days, you come with your blessed presence, strewing gifts upon our path.  Hear us now as we whisper our gratitude for these particular mercies you have brought to fruition in our individual lives:  . . . . . . . . . .  As long as we have breath, may we sing our praise to our Life-giving Friend.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Compassionate One, too frequently we forget that you have gathered us together as one human family.  And though we are spread far and wide across the planet, you long for us to work for the good of all our brothers and sisters. We may not know each by name, but their eyes of want follow us at every turn. Empty hands reach out to us for food; shrunken bodies tell the story of deprivation and disease; orphans search for parents amid the debris of war; drug-dazed victims stagger along our streets, bereft of hope. We pray for these in this hour, Lord; yet know that thousands already are working at your behest to alleviate the immeasurable pain in our world.  Upon these selfless ones, whose names we do not know, may your blessings rest.  

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

It is the old prophet Isaiah who reminds us that the bruised reed you will not break, but will strengthen and sustain.  We have experienced your strength indeed, O Lord, in our own times of trial.  And as you have upheld us, we count you as our constant counsel, who hears our cries, who knows our angst, and who answers us through the silent movement of the Spirit.  Move among us, Lord, and especially among your people of Church Street who offer these heartfelt prayers:

  • Family thankful for prayers: husband’s surgery at Vanderbilt successful
  • Prayers appreciated: daughter critically ill with Covid is showing improvement – please continue healing prayers
  • Praises for a safe & lengthy visit with old friends in Michigan
  • Gratitude for brave hospital & medical personnel
  • Thanksgiving for a brother’s engagement
  • One gives thanks that surgery will not be required for an injury
  • Daughter offers gratitude for her father’s peaceful death
  • Family appreciates messages of comfort during a bereavement
  • Offering thanks for our church’s music program
  • Praises for the miracle of healing of friend with Covid
  • Please continued prayers for loved ones with Covid
  • Dear friend awaiting aortic valve replacement
  • Healing of two members suffering from shingles
  • Prayers for friend: awaiting tests for return of cancer
  • Cherished husband in hospice, prayers for comfort & blessing
  • Uncle in chemo treatment for pancreatic cancer
  • Safety for a family traveling this week
  • Prayers for a Sunday School Class holding together during Covid
  • Prayers for a procedure to relieve a member’s intense pain
  • Member undergoing tests this week for possible stroke
  • Two families whose loved ones have died of Covid
  • Increased strength for paralyzed grandson
  • Cousin with lung distress, Covid complications

Bind us together, we pray, for we are your children at every season, and grant peace to those who are closest to our hearts. May your grace and generosity shine in our deeds, that others may marvel at the God we serve.  And may your words of kindness and forgiveness echo in our own voices, always pointing to love eternal, as realized in the life of our Savior, who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 15, 2021

Written by Rev. Tim Best

Creator of heaven and earth, like the original disciples, we continue to wrestle with the calling of Christ. We are eager to name Jesus as our Messiah, the Savior, and King, but it is revealed to us that the path where Jesus leads us is filled with sacrifice, loss and suffering love. We seek the protection of power and the renown of prestige. Our hearts brim with enthusiasm to follow Jesus when we believe his ways will grant us power and influence. Forgive us when our hearts are bent inwards and our service is for self and not others. May your Holy Spirit abide within our church family and lead us into humble obedience. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all those connected to Church Street United Methodist Church. Empower and guide this community that we would know Jesus within our community and proclaim him in the world.   Grant that we might answer the invitation to follow Jesus. We pray for all those whose obedience to you has resulted in suffering. Give us confidence in Christ’s promises that we would boldly pick up our crosses and follow him. Comfort the persecuted and instruct us in the care and support of one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who do not share the faith of the church. When our institutions and hierarchies become stumbling blocks for others, pluck out that which is blinding us to faithful living. Make your mercy and grace known to those who feel far from your love; and send your disciples into the midst of the world and away from the comforts that shelter us from following Jesus. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who suffer, are alone, or are in any kind of trouble. Christ’s willingness to suffer is a sign of his commitment to the world. Christ entered the suffering of the world out of love for all that which God has made. May our hearts be softened that we, too, may encounter suffering ourselves, so that God’s love might be made known. We pray for the sick, the dying, the scared, the angry, the disappointed, the oppressed, and those whose suffering is hidden. 

And to these we add our prayers from the Church Street family.  We rejoice at the goodness you are bringing into our lives, and ask that you bend close to receive these special pleas voiced by your children:

  • Family celebrates a long-awaited pregnancy
  • Family grateful for a peaceful death for ill father
  • Gratitude for a friend’s Christian witness in spite of great suffering
  • Family gives thanks for a happy weekend wedding
  • Thanksgiving: 3 beautiful babies baptized Sunday
  • One thankful for prayers for safe travel – all well
  • Prayers appreciated, infant’s RSV now clear
  • Two families thankful for healing from Covid
  • ALS sufferer sends thanks for church support
  • Thankful for prayers – aunt with internal bleeding recovered
  • Prayers appreciated- spinal procedure went smoothly
  • Thanksgiving for ministry of church greeters & ushers
  • Gratitude for special Afghan family who reached safety in Pakistan
  • Gratitude for healthcare workers serving at great risk on our behalf
  • Prayers for safety and healing for husband- surgery Friday
  • Cherished husband ill at home – for recovery
  • Uncle with pancreatic cancer, beginning treatment
  • Beloved daughter nearing death
  • Prayers for one seeking financial stability & easing of depression
  • Easing of back pain for faithful church worker 
  • Bereaved family, miscarriage after 5-month pregnancy
  • Increased strength for paralyzed grandson
  • Father suffering from depression
  • For an adult son to overcome addiction
  • A young pastor in another church under great stress
  • Upholding 2 sisters, caregivers for 3 infirm relatives
  • Watch-care over three young pregnant women
  • Cousin with lung distress, Covid complications
  • Prayers for healing of our nation’s divisiveness

May your mercy be upon the nations. We remember this weekend the loss and pain of one horrific event that reshaped our world twenty years ago. We pray for the leaders of nations and peoples, that your peace may transform the world. We pray for all those who have known war and violence. We pray for our own leaders, for the president, the governor, the county and city mayors, all elected officials and those they appoint. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us hold fast to blessed hope of your kingdom. May we be willing to lose all else for the sake of gaining Christ. Let our hopes be grounded in the vision that Christ cast in the prayer which he taught us, as we join together, saying: 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 8, 2021

Written by Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

O God of Change, you are ever calling us to look for that new thing you are doing in our world, for you are the wellspring of all life. The turning of the season is in the air, showing us a future you are calling us to enter.  We enter it solely by your grace, O Lord; our steps are tentative, for we are indeed a tired people.  The tumult of the world has seeped into our psyche, the pain and losses we view onscreen every day have pierced our hearts, the widening division within our own nation has strained our spirits and sapped our energy.  

Even so, O Message of Hope, your voice rises in the cool air sifting through the trees.  Forgive us for leading such insular lives and for believing that we might live in this realm free of weariness and suffering. Forgive us for succumbing to inner despair. Forgive us for forgetting that, as long as you give us breath, you have a mission for each of us. May the surge of your life-giving force flow through us this very day, we pray, giving us renewed strength and hope to be your hands and feet in this world you love so much.

And should we set our disappointments aside, we would remember that everything we have is a gift you have freely offered.  Indeed, were we to write our thanksgivings among the clouds, there would be no room remaining in the skies! Our very lives, our health, our families and friends, our talents and service, our individual paths that have led us to you, our place within a community of faith, are all offerings from our Savior who promises never to leave us.

And as those who have been called to be keepers of our brothers and sisters, we remember those who find themselves in harm’s way, particularly all healthcare workers whose energy is worn thin, all firefighters, flood rescuers, police, and public servants who face dangers unknown to us.  We lift up those who are facing illness or more medical tests, those who are lonely, afraid, bereaved, or depressed. Especially today, we pray for . . . . . . . . . Comfort them and their families who care for them. Whisper your word of hope in each heart, we pray, letting all know they are not alone or forgotten. 

To each of these, O Lord, we bring both the thanksgivings and the concerns that have been voiced by your community at Church Street.  We offer these, for we have confidence you are moving in and through our lives: 

  • Prayers appreciated, grandson’s depression is lifting
  • Gratitude for prayers:  dear friend home from ICU
  • Appreciation for hospital workers
  • Gratitude: granddaughter (8) now free of Covid
  • Family thankful for unexpected financial help
  • Thankful for safe visit with son out-of-town assisted living
  • Thanksgiving for Stephen Ministers assisting members in crisis
  • Gratitude for prayers: daughter on ventilator steadily improves
  • Grateful for couple’s safe travel from Europe
  • Grateful: Steady healing from knee surgery
  • One thankful her covid infection is nearing an end
  • Family celebrates birth of a healthy baby girl
  • Healing prayers – infant with Rhinovirus and RSV
  • Ongoing prayers for member with ALS
  • Easing of anxiety for one who is traveling
  • Healing for member’s broken foot
  • Beloved aunt hospitalized with internal bleeding
  • God’s comfort: family mourns death of husband/father 
  • Renewed vigor & healing for paralyzed grandson
  • Sons mourning death of their mother on Wed
  • Caregiver/friend in dire condition – Covid 
  • Continued prayers for family of four with Covid
  • Safety for Knox County students and educators
  • Prayers three members with severe pain
  • Infirm cousin, lung distress due to Covid

O Voice of Heavenly Hope, even in the dimmest days, we cling to you: for you point to the light beneath the shadows, promise the harvest after scarcity, and offer the resurrection beyond the grave. It is in deep humility that we raise our heartfelt prayers to you, closing with the words your Son taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 1, 2021

Written by Rev. Tim Best

Father of lights, we praise and thank you for your good and perfect gifts. We recognize the sins and temptations of the world around us. Yet your creation is from the beginning imprinted with your purpose and truth. Your Word has entered our hearts and made us a new community, dedicated to the works of your Spirit. Direct us in our calling to be first fruits of your new creation.

In a world that suffers, let our prayers rise to you above.  From our hearts call compassion to rise for those whose pain is far off and whose circumstances are a mystery to us. When our understanding and patience falters, let our hearts be softened by your merciful call, that we might love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.

Renew our minds that our thoughts would rise above our own self-obsession and think often of our neighbors. Let our thinking and speaking be transformed that we might share the mind of Christ. In our speaking, our leading, and our daily choices, may our minds always turn towards others in service and obedience to you.

The Book of James encourage us to raise our hands in service to your kingdom. We recognize that we cannot build your kingdom; You O Christ our Lord build your kingdom upon your own actions and grace. Yet, we are called to serve your kingdom. You have invited us to partner with you in the work of your kingdom. May we offer our service to the world around us in witness to your love. Let us raise our hands in service and in praise.

As we raise our hearts, minds, and hands in prayer this morning we are mindful of so much pain and need. We ask that you would continue to be with those who grieve and suffer in Waverly, TN. Be with the citizens of Haiti and all who work to serve them now. We pray for the victims of the hurricanes that have battered southern and eastern coasts. Guide us to action that we would not only react to natural disasters, but that we would work and serve to protect the earth, ensure safe homes for our neighbors, and protect the vulnerable from future disasters.

We lift up all healthcare workers. Give them strength as they seek to heal and comfort the sick. Guide our actions that we would be a support to those who tend to the pains and sufferings of others. As our health system is again stretched, let your love stretch beyond our weariness and the exhaustion of all those who give care. May all find rest in you,  O God.

We pray for our leaders, for those who make decisions for our community, the nation and the world. We pray for Afghanistan and all those involved, from foreign leaders to Afghan families seeking safety or overwhelmed with fear. We pray for all those who died at the Kabul airport, including 13 Americans serving in uniform. We lift up all those who have died and suffered over twenty years of war.

Be present to all those who are grieving. We pray that your church would be a beacon of peace in our community and throughout the world. We lift in prayer these concerns and joys of our church family. React with compassion, we pray, to the prayers of your people.

  • Thankful for dedicated healthcare and hospital workers
  • One thankful for help of Parish Health Team advice
  • Grateful for a clear mammogram
  • Prayers appreciated for safe travel- all well
  • Thanksgiving – daughter’s first birthday
  • A paralyzed grandson now has wrist & toe movement
  • Gratitude for prayers for safe travel – all is going well
  • Two are grateful for new caregiving helpers
  • Family celebrates birth of a beautiful new granddaughter
  • Thankful for prayers – sister’s surgery went smoothly
  • Courage & strength for family mourning sudden death of husband/father
  • Psychological healing for cherished grandson (21) his family
  • Recovery grandson’s paralysis
  • Prayers for husband having bladder surgery Thursday
  • Caregiver/friend in dire condition – Covid
  • Courage, guidance for wife whose husband died August 31
  • Daughter on ventilator – Covid, healing for her husband & 2 children
  • Co-worker friend (and family), son-in-law killed in Kabul on Friday
  • Prayers for recovery of member’s vision & severe back pain
  • 2 sons whose mother died in Haiti; a husband with phlebitis
  • Grace & safety for grieving family – death of mother in North Carolina
  • Dear friend – ICU with cancer, heart, kidney disorders
  • Safety for couple flying from Europe to Knoxville this weekend
  • Dickson and Humphreys County flood victims and government officials making major relief decisions
  • Exhausted nurse striving to survive pandemic workload
  • Cousin in critical lung distress, Covid complications
  • Strength for family, grieving death of grandson (12)

May your loving Spirit surround each of these who reach out to you with their specific thanksgivings and their deepest prayers.  It was the Apostle Paul who taught us to pray without ceasing; and even as we close with the Lord’s Prayer, let our hearts rise in prayer to meet the world you created and love:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 22, 2021

Written by Rev. Catherine Nance

O God who is our armor, our defender, and our protection, the scripture admonishes us to “hang in there and pray for all believers.” Many of us older ones are used to hearing “persevere,” but the contemporary translation “hang in there” feels more appropriate: “Hang in there and pray for one another.” So here we are, O God, many of us feeling as if we are barely hanging in and not quite holding on. But we are thankful each time we gather as the body of Christ, in prayer or in person, remembering that it is you who holds on to us. It is your strength, your armor in which we wrap ourselves that allows us to keep calm and to carry on. We long to persevere, to do the work you call us to do. Hold onto us that we might be the people of God who exhibit faithfulness and not fear.

We long for the whole world to have this feeling of being put back together, O God. Your world is aching; it is aching, consumed by disease, wildfires, storms, and violence. It would be easy for us to hang our heads low instead of simply bowing them in prayer. Hanging our heads low in weariness and, if we are honest, despair.  But you have told us to stay alert by hanging in there and by praying for each other.

We pray for those devastated and grieving as their cities are flooded; those affected by Hurricane Henri, and those in Haiti who are without shelter, those in danger and crisis in Afghanistan.  We pray for all who work in our local hospitals which are stretched to their limits; and we pray for school personnel who are exhausted after just a week or two of classes.  

And as we list our concerns, help us not to be discouraged, but faithful.  For we know that your love, your comfort and abiding presence are a greater solace. We know that your resurrection power offers hope and a certainty that we too often forget.  As we pray for others who celebrate or mourn, may our hearts be more open, more compassionate, and more understanding of each situation:  

  • Gratitude offered for the long life of beloved church member
  • Family celebrates a weekend wedding 
  • Family gives thanks for a week of vacation
  • Thankful for dedicated healthcare workers
  • One thankful for recovery from Covid
  • Gratitude for birth of a little nephew
  • Celebration of Pastor Palmer’s ordination 8/27
  • Thanksgiving for each one joining the church last Sunday
  • Recovery for young grandson facing paralysis 
  • Prayers for dear sister in assisted living, confused & ill
  • Member needs prayers for her physical restoration
  • Cherished husband with dementia in assisted living
  • Blessings for a student teacher
  • Dickson and Humphreys County flood victims and government officials making major relief decisions
  • Hope for cancer sufferer traveling to MD Anderson
  • Strength, protection for ER nurse in critical work situation
  • Safety for college freshmen making a new start
  • For more persons to accept virus vaccinations
  • Blessings for young son leaving home
  • Exhausted nurse striving to survive pandemic workload
  • Safety for nephew, military duty in Afghanistan
  • Family grieving death of brother-in-law
  • Adult children whose mother died this week
  • Upholding son caring for mother in hospice
  • Prayers for one having knee replacement on August 30 
  • Cousin in critical lung distress, Covid complications
  • Prayers for bereaved family, death of mother  
  • Continued prayers, member with ALS
  • Peace for one facing new cancer scans
  • Healing for member’s severe back pain and eye malady
  • Mother with cancer, that new treatment may help
  • Safety for caregiver traveling 2 weeks with infirm friend
  • Strength for family, grandson (12) met a tragic death today
  • Brother with Alzheimer’s and his caregiver wife
  • Two loved ones suffering from advanced cancer

May we be moved to action, knowing that we have your resources at hand your armor of strength instead of our will; your truth instead of our misconceptions; your justice instead of our arrogance, prejudice and self-reliance. Thank you for your salvation, O Lord, that replaces the empty promises of success.  

And as we face what seems like overwhelming powers and principalities, give us the wisdom and strength to face ourselves and our own powers, to choose the path of peace in all of our living.  And may we be unified in the task of being faithful messengers of your word and your ways.  All these things we ask in the name of Jesus Christ who gave us this prayer for all seasons of life:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of August 15, 2021

Written by Rev. Jan Buxton Wade

O God, we call your Son the Prince of Peace, and yet we make war among ourselves, too often in your name. Forgive us, we pray.  Our hearts are torn when the see the anguished faces of those who have lost everything, as they flee in search of safety, of peace.  Dark frightened eyes peer out from veils, as if begging us not to forget them. Lord, have mercy. Shelter under your wings the weak and unprotected in Afghanistan; diffuse the evil retaliation that lives within the souls of the oppressors now in control. Lord, have mercy. And we pray your covering of security would rest upon the people of Haiti who have borne more destruction and upheaval than the human mind can comprehend or heart contain. Lord, have mercy. Supply sufficient wisdom, we pray, that prudent solutions may be reached in ministering to the refugees crossing our southern borders. May our hands join yours in the bold work of restoration and healing.  

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.

Candle of Compassion, shine your light upon all who are distressed by illness – either their own, or the sickness of loved ones.  Ease their burdens, we pray, and give strength to those who care for the infirm.  Particularly, we ask that you would bless the hands of all healthcare workers who labor to assist those afflicted with the Covid virus.  We thank you for instilling medical professionals with courage and a sense of mission to ease the suffering around them.  Give us wisdom, as people of God, to do all we can to shield from illness our brothers and sisters in your beloved community. And in whatever opportunity presents itself, may we keep your candle of hope burning brightly for those who are unwell or depleted. 

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy.

This week we remember how you have remained our Constant Hope, our strength and shield, and have brought goodness our way. We therefore name the private praises for the favors you have shown us in recent times . . . . . . . . . Glory be to you, the One who always offers hope.  And with our personal gratitude, we also name the singular ways in which you have lightened the burdens of others in our church family:


  • Thankful for prayers, back pain is easing
  • Youth Choir that makes our hearts glad
  • Family grateful for church support during bereavement
  • Family celebrating birth of healthy baby girl on the 13th
  • God’s good work in the lives of a broken family
  • Rainfall upon our thirsty earth
  • Financial assistance received by one ill & in need
  • Gratitude for healthcare workers going the second mile
  • Thanksgiving: 2 family members received 1st vaccine
  • Two members recovering well from Covid
  • Educators giving of themselves for our children
  • Gratitude for young ones who model for us the love of learning

When we are wounded, we know your own heart bleeds for us.  So direct your gaze, we pray, upon each of these ones who name their own sorrows and challenges:


  • Safety for nephew, military duty in Afghanistan
  • Grandson facing paralysis from a diving accident
  • Hospitalized mother in great distress from Covid
  • Cousin in critical lung distress, Covid complications
  • Prayers for bereaved family, death of a father  
  • Family newly diagnosed with Covid, in isolation
  • Continued prayers, member with ALS
  • Mother with cancer, that new treatment may help
  • Easing of worries for husband’s upcoming surgery
  • Safety for caregiver traveling 2 weeks with infirm friend
  • Courage for friend with ALS symptoms 
  • Elderly mother recovering from surgery
  • Safety for brother, military duty in Africa
  • Family of another Knoxville youth killed by violence
  • Increased virus vaccinations within our population
  • Friend mourning brother who died unexpectedly (age 39)
  • Help for a mother, caregiver for ill adult son
  • Brother with Alzheimer’s, caused by agent orange

Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.

Our feet are unsteady these days, Lord, with all that is happening in our world; and we confess we often waver in our commitments. Still, in your grace, we believe you accept even our smallest efforts and are already forming them into something wondrous and meaningful. We need not know all the intricacies of the Kingdom of Heaven, for we only pray that, in some mysterious way, we are on the right road to that holy province:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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