Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 28, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance

Gracious God, 

On this Wednesday evening, our hearts and minds are with all who have been and will be in the path of Hurricane Ian. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.  

Often, when we hear world news, we have to look on a map or perhaps we dismiss the news since we cannot picture where it is. (Forgive us Lord!) But, we all know where Tampa is. We know Jacksonville. We have been to Orlando. We have relatives and loved ones along the path. We have friends who are scheduled to travel and we worry. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

In the midst of news about landfall and surges, we hear the phrases explaining how climate change plays a role and then, how we have played a role in climate change. Forgive us Lord, in our shrugging, our denying, our simply hoping for things to be better. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

We see people on the news who, yesterday, were political candidates. Today, they area governors and other officials in charge of emergency maneuvers. Bless these leaders Lord. May all work together to promote safety and clarity of information. Thank you for the employees who show up each day at National Weather Service and provide information for us. We are grateful to for science and technology that informs and supports their work. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. 

O God, these weather-related terms apply to our own lives as well. Some of us are expecting a ‘landfall’ – some impending crisis – a diagnosis, a conversation, layoff. Others of us have no idea of what is ahead but will experience the ‘surge’ and the ‘impact.’ Dear God, your Holy Spirit connects us to each other. May we be mindful of how our decisions, our words, changes in our lives, do not affect us alone. But there are ripples and consequences and aftershocks. May we be kind to one another and understanding of those who find themselves caught in a deluge they did not know was coming. Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers. 

Along with all of the people of Cuba who are without power, the people of Florida, and all those in the path, we pray for these concerns shared by our church family: 

We pray for …

  • A dear friend who has undergone so much cancer treatment and now has pneumonia and other complications. Prayers for her family as they hear and grapple with prognosis from doctors about the weakness of her body. Prayers that she feels the love and prayers all around her.
  • Those who are traveling out of town for work
  • For a coworker whose cancer has returned. Prayers for her three sons; one teenager and two young adults. This single mom needs the assurance that ‘her boys’ will be fine.
  • Clarity from medical tests results and that a healing plan will be made clear
  • A man who has had heart attack; prayers for good rehabilitation
  • A family whose mother is in hospice care; not expected to live many more days. Grateful for Eternal Light and Life!
  • Those who have been recently hospitalized and are doing well at home.

We give thanks for …

  • The scriptures which give guidance about how to live; especially First Corinthians 13
  • God’s wisdom and purpose in our lives
  • Third graders who received Bibles and that Ms. Katryn was able to hand them out in person!
  • New members joining and two baptisms this past week!
  • The opportunity to hear Kate Bowler. Thank you to the A. Orin Bishop Lecture endowment!

We continue to pray for ….

  • A Sunday School class member who has to travel to Africa several times this month for work
  • Families making decisions for loved ones
  • A woman recently diagnosed with cancer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.