Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of September 15, 2021

Written by Rev. Tim Best

Creator of heaven and earth, like the original disciples, we continue to wrestle with the calling of Christ. We are eager to name Jesus as our Messiah, the Savior, and King, but it is revealed to us that the path where Jesus leads us is filled with sacrifice, loss and suffering love. We seek the protection of power and the renown of prestige. Our hearts brim with enthusiasm to follow Jesus when we believe his ways will grant us power and influence. Forgive us when our hearts are bent inwards and our service is for self and not others. May your Holy Spirit abide within our church family and lead us into humble obedience. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all those connected to Church Street United Methodist Church. Empower and guide this community that we would know Jesus within our community and proclaim him in the world.   Grant that we might answer the invitation to follow Jesus. We pray for all those whose obedience to you has resulted in suffering. Give us confidence in Christ’s promises that we would boldly pick up our crosses and follow him. Comfort the persecuted and instruct us in the care and support of one another.

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who do not share the faith of the church. When our institutions and hierarchies become stumbling blocks for others, pluck out that which is blinding us to faithful living. Make your mercy and grace known to those who feel far from your love; and send your disciples into the midst of the world and away from the comforts that shelter us from following Jesus. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

We pray for all those who suffer, are alone, or are in any kind of trouble. Christ’s willingness to suffer is a sign of his commitment to the world. Christ entered the suffering of the world out of love for all that which God has made. May our hearts be softened that we, too, may encounter suffering ourselves, so that God’s love might be made known. We pray for the sick, the dying, the scared, the angry, the disappointed, the oppressed, and those whose suffering is hidden. 

And to these we add our prayers from the Church Street family.  We rejoice at the goodness you are bringing into our lives, and ask that you bend close to receive these special pleas voiced by your children:

  • Family celebrates a long-awaited pregnancy
  • Family grateful for a peaceful death for ill father
  • Gratitude for a friend’s Christian witness in spite of great suffering
  • Family gives thanks for a happy weekend wedding
  • Thanksgiving: 3 beautiful babies baptized Sunday
  • One thankful for prayers for safe travel – all well
  • Prayers appreciated, infant’s RSV now clear
  • Two families thankful for healing from Covid
  • ALS sufferer sends thanks for church support
  • Thankful for prayers – aunt with internal bleeding recovered
  • Prayers appreciated- spinal procedure went smoothly
  • Thanksgiving for ministry of church greeters & ushers
  • Gratitude for special Afghan family who reached safety in Pakistan
  • Gratitude for healthcare workers serving at great risk on our behalf
  • Prayers for safety and healing for husband- surgery Friday
  • Cherished husband ill at home – for recovery
  • Uncle with pancreatic cancer, beginning treatment
  • Beloved daughter nearing death
  • Prayers for one seeking financial stability & easing of depression
  • Easing of back pain for faithful church worker 
  • Bereaved family, miscarriage after 5-month pregnancy
  • Increased strength for paralyzed grandson
  • Father suffering from depression
  • For an adult son to overcome addiction
  • A young pastor in another church under great stress
  • Upholding 2 sisters, caregivers for 3 infirm relatives
  • Watch-care over three young pregnant women
  • Cousin with lung distress, Covid complications
  • Prayers for healing of our nation’s divisiveness

May your mercy be upon the nations. We remember this weekend the loss and pain of one horrific event that reshaped our world twenty years ago. We pray for the leaders of nations and peoples, that your peace may transform the world. We pray for all those who have known war and violence. We pray for our own leaders, for the president, the governor, the county and city mayors, all elected officials and those they appoint. 

Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

Let us hold fast to blessed hope of your kingdom. May we be willing to lose all else for the sake of gaining Christ. Let our hopes be grounded in the vision that Christ cast in the prayer which he taught us, as we join together, saying: 

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?