Weekly Prayers for the Church Street Family

Week of April 27, 2022

Rev. Catherine Nance*

Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew,

That I may love what thou dost love, and do what thou wouldst do. 

Breathe on me, Breath of God. Breathe on us, Breath of God. Life-giving God, we are thankful for the image in our scriptures of Jesus breathing on the disciples and offering peace. We remember your breathing over the waters and bringing forth creation; breathing into humanity as you formed us in your image. O God we pray that as we inhale, we would take in your grace and love and all that is good. We desire to feel your presence in our very beings; at our core; in our hearts. Breathe on us the transforming breath of Jesus; the transformative breath… We pray for a calmness when we are facing tense situations and difficult conversations. Breathe on us.

We pray for peace in our world; breathe on our leaders and those around the world who make decisions based on maps and land and power, not on the hearts and wellbeing of people. Breathe on them; fill them with life anew. We pray for a steadiness of heart as Christians as we make decisions.  We pray for an abundance of your Spirit as we read your scriptures and seek guidance for our living. Breathe on us.

We pray for your church, O God. Breathe on your church – for ministers and laity everywhere who strive to build up the body of Christ and your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We especially pray for those young ones who were confirmed on Sunday in our congregation as they seek to walk in the way of Christ. And bless, we pray, each one who has recently come forward to be baptized and to become a new members of our congregation. Guide them to find here nurture in faith, true fellowship, and a place of joyful service. Breathe on us; fill us with life anew.

Spirit of Life, as you hav delivered healing and revived hope to so many, we bring our prayers of praise this day.  And may your divine energy move within us and through us, Holy Lord, that we may become conduits of holy healing to these others who wait for your breath of renewal:

  • Gratitude for prayers: member recovers from successful hip surgery
  • Thanksgiving that a niece’s home has sold
  • Couple celebrates 40 years of marriage
  • Daughter thankful for her mother’s successful surgery
  • Prayers appreciated: no sign of cancer cells following transplant
  • Prayers of gratitude: a daughter’s home has sold
  • Widow feels blessed in a new home closer to family
  • One expresses gratitude for support of congregation
  • Gratitude: 2 families steadily recovering from Covid infections
  • Parents thankful for a son’s renewed effort to combat drug use
  • Ovarian cancer surgery completed with good results – grateful for prayers
  • One grateful for a restorative short vacation with friend
  • Thanksgiving that a friend’s cancer cells have been contained
  • Prayers for an end to the horror & violence in Ukraine
  • Prayers for husband with Parkinson’s – increasing difficulties
  • A father with Parkinson’s & his family; for a workable treatment plan
  • Easing of stress: family awaiting a home closing
  • Prayers for proper diagnosis- member returns to Vanderbilt Thursday
  • Professional singer with a voice malady, for healing & direction
  • Proper treatment for a brother with cancer near bladder 
  • Elderly neighbor injured in car accident, now on ventilator 
  • Hospitalized mother & wisdom for family making decisions  
  • Please pray for healing: two women with untreatable eye disease 
  • Correct diagnosis for mother with heart condition
  • Healing young granddaughter having seizures
  • Young man seeking work in college athletics
  • Son with shoulder injury, comfort as he awaits surgery
  • An uncle in hospice care & peace for his family standing by
  • Prayers that a young son recently exposed does not contract Covid
  • Prayers for anxious couple awaiting news of pregnancy
  • An ill mother-in-law & concerned family, for recovery 
  • Healing for nephew in cancer treatment  

Inhaling and exhaling is such a simple act, an involuntary act; yet without it we would die. As we breathe in, O God, may we remember that we are raised in new life with Christ. May we live into that life.

Breathe on us breath of God; fill us with life anew.

That we would love what thou wouldst love; and do what thou wouldst do.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Have a Prayer Request?

*Inspired by Hymn Breathe on Me, Breath of God by Edwin Hatch, 1878