Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

May 5, 2020

Pastor Jan


Eternal One, our joy lies in knowing that you send us signs of your love in a multitude of ways. Today, sharpen our senses, we pray, that we might feel your silent presence pervading every step we take. And along the way, may our gratitude spill over to those who walk by, that they, too, might recognize your bountiful love.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

O Rock of Ages, may we not place our trust in passing trends nor in the false idols of wealth and fame. Worldly glory is tenuous. We know this, but we confess that envy does color our behavior from time to time. We see what others possess and note the freedom their affluence offers them. Teach us how to be content with what we have, aware that prestige and prosperity bring troubles of their own. In the end, all these are rendered useless. Instead, may we cling to our Cornerstone, who ensures that all our needs shall be met.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

Gentle Companion, we do try to live blamelessly, but we admit that we have spoken harsh words, have held grudges, have been prideful in our actions, and we have not always spoken the truth. We repent of these trends this day, and seek your forgiveness. Clear away these impure fragments of faithlessness, we pray, and give us another clean start this very day.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.    

And as you encourage us to share our deepest selves with you, we place these needs and gratitudes before you, knowing you are never too busy to listen to even the faintest voice seeking your ear:

  • Grateful for the Edie Johnson’s recent organ recital – it was splendid
  • Praises: a father in ICU recovers from 3 surgeries and may go home this week
  • Gratitude for those who contribute regularly to feed the hungry and assist the less fortunate in our church and in our community
  • A friend has recovered from Covid-19 and has no lingering side effects
  • Celebrating the safe arrival of son & daughter-in-law returning to Knox to live
  • Grateful for ongoing prayers: a mother hospitalized (renal issues) improves daily
  • Pray for a businesswoman – struggling emotionally and mentally; for healing to come
  • Strength and healing for a member undergoing treatment for cancer, fluid on lungs
  • Healing and solace: a relative in ICU in Florida, lung complications, family cannot visit
  • Healing prayers for parents undergoing great stress dealing with adult children
  • Husband having liver procedure this week; please pray that all goes well
  • All who return to work, for wisdom and for safety precautions to be observed
  • Loved ones isolated at home, in hospital, and in assisted living, for easing of loneliness
  • One asks for strength to disregard disparaging remarks that come her way

Watch over us now and in all our days to come, until we meet you face to face, joining with all your saints who dwell with you. And together we shall join the host of heaven in praying the words Jesus taught:

Our father who are in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. 


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