Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

June 24, 2020

Pastor Jan


O Generous One, this day we lift our eyes to the heavens and offer our praise. As scripture tells us, you cause the rain to fall on the just and the unjust alike. So too you offer freely your drifting, translucent clouds, your shimmering rays of sunlight, your bracing breezes. You are a spendthrift God who lavishes goodness without restraint. Teach us, your people, to be as excessive in our own distribution of blessings. May we offer grace to the just and the unjust, to those whose beliefs and politics offend us, to those whose appearance and habits we find improper. You are leading each of us homeward, so let us be gracious to those who are traveling in the same direction, if only by another road.

God our helper, hear our prayer.

Sometimes throughout the day we become lulled by the routine and move slow-footed through the hours. Give us wake-up calls along the way, O God, else we will remain unaware of the secret ways you are at work around us. Call our attention to the mystery of an encounter, the blessing of a moment, the whiff of your presence. Your most precious gifts are often hidden in the mundane, so keep us awake, we pray, lest we miss your quiet glory.

God our helper, hear our prayer.

We open our hearts, that our compassion might mirror your own. We lift up those who wait: for the medical test results, for the divorce decree, for the loneliness to end, for the new job, for the illness to pass, for death to draw near. Watch over all of us who wait in hope, O Lord, and also over these church friends who ask to be remembered:

  • Grateful for prayers: member received grade A to finish her graduate work
  • Prayers appreciated – member’s colon lab tests were clear
  • Ill member is grateful for all prayers for his recovery
  • Gratitude: the life and example of a cherished brother who died last week
  • Thanksgiving for prayers: a brother’s heart tests called for no surgery
  • Families who are mourning great losses; members hospitalized
  • Prayers that a niece may fly home safely from Kosovo today
  • Healing for dear friend newly diagnosed with stage 4 cancer
  • Those working to secure able caretakers of Sterchi Lodge to help carry out the ministries of the church
  • Peace and clarity for one whose medical tests are explained today
  • Courage and success for a young adult moving away for employment
  • Peace to surround a member having knee surgery on the 24th
  • A son and daughter-in-law moving cross country, for traveling mercies
  • Member asks for strength to help her mother move to TX

Eternal Guide, we ask for your forgiveness of our sins, particularly these private offenses . . . ; and also we confess our collective sins of rampant greed, exploitation of the poor, careless use of your creation. Turn our minds toward the reality of our actions, and turn our hearts to the truth of Jesus, who taught us to pray:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. 


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