Daily Prayers of the Church Street family

June 15, 2020

Pastor Jan


O Risen Christ, with signs of conflict increasing everywhere, we cling to the assurance that the power of your love is still pulsing through us and throughout the darkness of our world. In those particular places where the trauma of violence reigns, we pray for renewal and healing. We believe that even now you are bringing light to those who sit in the caverns of gloom. You are cleansing hearts filled with hate and lifting the burdens of those weighed down by feelings of helplessness.

Lord in your goodness, hear our prayer.    

O Loving Creator, your image is planted in each of us. Grant that we may find a way to live in unity, discovering joy within our individual differences. May we learn to honor and share our unique identities and diverse communities. There is much work to be done. Help us take a risk for your love’s sake today, knowing that we are always safe in you.

Lord in your goodness, hear our prayer.    

O Caring One, in spite of the beautiful gifts you lay at our feet every day, there remain those who are grieving, who struggle with chronic health conditions, who are shut away due to the pandemic, who are lonely, confused, grieving and uncertain. Grant each one that peace that surpasses human understanding. Also receive these concerns and thanksgivings from the hearts of our Church Street family:

  • Prayers appreciated: relative gave birth on Thursday to a beautiful baby boy – mother recently recovered from Covid-19
  • Thanksgiving: member was uplifted by prayers during her tests in Colorado
  • Gratitude: ill member home from hospital; please pray for patience and strength in his continued recovery
  • Grateful for prayers, my relative in Florida ICU has died peacefully and is with God
  • Gratitude: police & public officials serving with integrity and professionalism
  • Please pray for decreased stress at work for a professional
  • Prayers for our incoming pastors: Rev. Catherine Nance and Rev. Tim Best
  • A couple searching for a one-level home and the husband with heart issues
  • Prayers that a home remodel will be completed soon, patience for owners
  • A family struggling to make it financially during this time of pandemic
  • Two friends who are mourning the deaths of mothers & grandmother
  • For love to overcome distrust and rancor during this time of uncertainty

Lord in your goodness, hear our prayer.    

We recall other times in our lives when we felt all was lost, but in your infinite mercy, you pulled us through. Weeping may spend the night, the psalmist told us, but joy comes in the morning. We watch and wait for that bright dawn, Lord of Life, for you never fail us.

Lord in your goodness, hear our prayer.    

Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ we pray, joining our voices with all those throughout the world who seek to live in harmony with one another:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. 


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