Prayers for the Church Street Family

March 31, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade

Under soggy skies we make our way homeward, thankful that a dry dwelling is waiting to welcome us in the evening hours. Shapeless clouds have lingered low throughout the day, providing none of the inspiration of the yellow sun.  Within the dullness, however, we have sensed your working on our behalf, Forever Friend, particularly in these instances: . . . . . . . . . .  And as you have been cleansing and revitalizing the earth with your spring droplets, you have been widening impassable avenues and opening doors shut tight. Praise be to you!

Suffering Servant, these final days of Lent are hardest for us, for as we draw closer to your suffering, we realize we need more Lenten time to conquer our own weakness. We still lack the courage to stand up to the naysayers; we fear our own rejection by the crowds; and, deep down, we know that we too are capable of deserting you in your final hours. In the end, though, we remember you did not forsake your fickle friends, but strengthened them and turned them into faithful disciples. By the immensity of your grace, transform us also into strong and useful vessels, we pray, pouring out courage and fortitude to all timorous ones, that together we might boldly proclaim you to the world as Redeemer and Savior.

As Mary stood weeping beside the empty tomb, you know all those whose tears still flow today.  Touch those everywhere, we pray, who are too traumatized to even utter your name. Steady those who are shaken by natural disasters and those whose dreams are shattered. You are in the business of making all things new, so implant your assurance in each hurting soul, we pray, that this Easter Season may be a time of rebirth for all. Have mercy, O Christ, upon all who are in need of your presence, especially your children at Church Street UMC:

  • Prayers appreciated: Hip replacement was successful
  • One grateful for visit with out-of-town daughter
  • Gratitude for a new housing arrangement
  • Family thankful for vaccine made possible by church
  • Thankful that initial visits with specialists in Nashville were promising
  • For a miracle to heal a painful leg ailment
  • Proper diagnosis for intestinal malady
  • Solace for families who mourn
  • Healing of violence in our communities
  • Healing for one suffering with fractured shoulder
  • Member in treatment for lymphoma
  • Courage and strength for friend with intestinal cancer
  • Guidance for one involved in a new course of study
  • Young family broken by alcoholism
  • Continued prayers for healing after eye surgery
  • Courage for one transitioning to new home
  • Continued healing for an alcoholic
  • Dear friend having medical tests

May your holy rest encompass us this night, and all whom we love, Dear Lord, for we turn over to you all our cares and anxieties. And somewhere in the shadowed hours, remind us that we still belong to you, no matter what we may have done or failed to do. In that assurance, we shall sleep soundly, praying as Christ himself taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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