Prayers for the Church Street Family

January 5, 2021

Rev. Dr. Jan Buxton Wade


The heavens declare the glory of God;

the skies proclaim his handiwork!

Day after day they pour forth speech;

night after night they reveal his truth.

This unspeakably beautiful evening, we gaze at the heavens, as did the psalmist of long ago. What a mysterious twinkling umbrella you have placed above us, Great Designer, giving us your peace in the silent movement of the stars and planets. Our day has been too crowded with both the urgent and the mundane, still you have slipped in here and there, so serenely we didn’t notice.  But now under the gray-blue sky, we remember the ways in which your grace found us . . . . . . . . . .  For each of these points of light, we are profoundly thankful.

Unseen Friend, grant us pardon for not drinking in the love you so freely offered us this day. We stepped aside when we should have acted, we spoke bitter words, we set ourselves before others, we took you for granted, we were blinded by busyness. Bathe us this eve, and cleanse us of our selfish aims, especially . . . . . . . . . . Pierce us this night with the purity of the Bethlehem star, we pray, that a bit of its luster will shine through our actions tomorrow.

O Lord of the Night, there are many concerns we carry with us, for truly, you have created us to be a compassionate people. We lean on you, knowing you will catch us when our loads become too heavy and we stumble in the darkness. We turn over our inmost cares to you, especially . . . . . . . . . . and also these situations that have overtaken your children at Church Street:

  • Family celebrates an infant’s release from hospital
  • Grateful for prayers: One in rehab is now free of addiction
  • Member thankful for prayers: Depression and anxiety have departed
  • Gratitude for prayers: Member is tolerating infusions well
  • One sends gratitude for all who are praying on her behalf
  • Prayers appreciated: Aging parents are finding support
  • Courage for one involved in legal dispute
  • An aunts and an uncle ill in hospital with Covid
  • Comfort for family whose father is in rapid decline
  • Upholding wife facing further medical tests
  • For all vulnerable ones to be vaccinated soon
  • Continued prayers for two recovering from serious heart ailments
  • Healing mercies for hospitalized mother
  • Strength for member enduring chemo side effects
  • Prayers for educators and students this first week of school
  • Courage and strength for one beginning chemo this week
  • Three family members recovering from Covid
  • For chemo to further shrink pancreatic tumor
  • Healing of wife in ICU with Covid

We pray that you accept these words we offer and receive all our prayers for which there are no words. As you wrap us in sleep this night, whisper to us your words of courage, that we may be bolder in bearing the story of your love through our words and deeds. We trust in the truth of the Light of the World, and pray as he taught us:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

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